Thursday, April 29, 2010

Along for the ride...Part 2

"I have learned to be content...I have learned the secret", Paul boldly states to the believers in Philippi.

I have often wondered if these two verses in chapter 4, coupled with "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain," from chapter 1 embody the meaning of "walking in Christ". Simple, child-like faith in Christ.

To be content is a learning process. That much I have realized. This secret isn't revealed in one "light bulb" moment that gets tucked under our belts, but rather step-by-step revelations as we gain more and more sensitivity toward the Holy Spirit . Small increment lessons, called experiences weave their way in and out along this journey our Father provides. Opportunities to learn are often right in front of us, but we usually speed past them with an annoyed, perhaps even angry glance because they frequently come in the form of waiting. We look for action, ready to just DO something, make that "super-imperative" decision just to satisfy our impatient hearts and minds. Similarly, not knowing what lays ahead causes wrecks. Chaining many a Christian to their swirling doubts and fears when its quiet, simple trust that we are called to submit.

When we're along for the ride, content to sit in the passenger seat allowing Christ to drive us along according to HIS will, life gets that naturally carefree, abandoned-type feeling. This contentment is still present even when bumps, forks in the road, and reckless other "drivers" would cause anxiety and disorder. (Philippians 4:7)

I've had a fair share of potentially contentment inducing experiences over the past my regret; I let many of them slip by. But one has come along that can't be ignored. Witnessing the Father work each detail out has excited my soul, and left my heart in awe of His faithfulness. He is simplifying my life, and all my thoughts/presuppositions about this walking as a “Christian” in a radical way that is truly humbling. Allow me to share portions of this journey with you as I continue to learn...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Along for the ride...

Ever had the absolute splendid pleasure of taking a drive JUST for the heck of it? Not caring where you go, or how long you'll be gone; just willing to sit and soak in the still pictures you're fortunate to capture as the world whizzes past. Happiness. You meander along countryside and cityscape's, sans windows, reveling in authenticity of the world around you. The wind shouting in your ear that THIS is living. Being carefree never felt so natural!

You can't peg such a feeling with one word...but with three. Anticipation. Contentment. Peace. They're inexplicably intertwined with love and gratitude that becomes nothing short of an out-of-this-world experience. Every Christian, every human for that matter, seeks for such harmony. Sadly, few find it.

Perhaps these feelings, or to put it more accurately, this perspective is what Paul was trying to convey in Philippians 4:11-12, "Not that I speak from want for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both having abundance and suffering need."

What is this secret? Is it really a secret? A unattainable truth? On those rare occasions when my mind and heart are at a "hush", the desire to know and live it becomes glaringly obvious to my soul. It's that glare that proves it's still very much available to an open heart. But an open heart must look squarely at its spiritual state and the meaning of life as exposed by none other than the Holy Spirit. A journey I find myself on today.

What started as a classic drive down a peaceful lane proved to be an opportunity to expose the deeper spiritual longings in my heart. Something tells me that this a ride I won't want to miss...