Thursday, April 28, 2011

...Honestly, I don't know why I am doing this exactly. It will no doubt bring me nothing but grief. Cheers to mocking me!

Dani, pick yourself up off the floor. I can hear you laughing all the way from here. ;)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lately in my life...

...I've celebrated the nuptials of two friends.

...I have enjoyed evenings eating delicious sweet things (i.e. uber yummy homemade chocolate cake!) while curled up on a couch with friends watching favorite television episodes.

...I ran into two former co-workers, not just once but twice in one weekend.

...I'm loving the fact that I can wear sunglasses again. Life without contacts can not only leave you squinty-eyed (which leads to more wrinkles, but who really cares?), but rather bored with your lack of facial fashion too. Yes, that's shallow, I know.

...I've enjoyed conversations with dear friends over my lunch break.

...I am trying to make it a habit to move more during my eight hours of potential stillness at work. I've had to get creative: lunges to and from my boss' office, thirty minute walks over my lunch break, etc. brain has been hurting as I attempt to organize vacation Bible school for my chapel. Even with the handy "director's guide" some decisions still aren't that easy to make. VBS is even invading my dreams at night. :)

...(Speaking of dreams) I've been dreaming of planting cucumbers, bell peppers, herbs, squash, lettuce, my future backyard. I'm a wee bit intimidated by the sandy soil and my total lack of experience, but I can't seem to resist the temptation to have soil embedded under my nails and sweat running down my back from real work.

...Caught a Rays game with my dad. Good times.

...I'm learning that my word of the year ::RISK:: is challenging me various areas that I thought I didn't particularly struggle with...mainly the fear of man. I take other's opinions into consideration a little too much. More on this later.

Hope you have a blessed weekend remember the death, burial and RESURRECTION of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Friday, April 1, 2011

To move or not to move...that is the question of the month! Life has certainly not been dull, to put it mildly. It's a long story, and perhaps someday I will detail the events on this blog, but basically there are certain circumstances outside of my control (i.e. home is for sale, and the parents are down-sizing) that are making it a necessity to find a new residence.

I'm in the process of moving out...and what a process this has proved to be. It's not necessarily the boxes, or the cleaning, or even the adjustment to new surroundings and habits (goodness knows I've had plenty of experience with all that while growing up) but it's the up and down roller coaster of not knowing when I'll move exactly that has been a bit stressful.

Learning to rely on God's grace for the stressful loose ends, unfinished projects, piles of boxes and stuff scatter around, and all-the-while keeping up with myriad of usual commitments has been stretching and surprisingly refreshing. In the midst of the craziness, I'm finding that the key is prayer...real prayer, taking quiet moments with God (I liken it to a spiritual "deep breath"), and emotionally detaching myself from what is simply out of my control, letting Him know and have everything. Not always at the forefront of my mind, but I've tied a mental piece of string to assist me.

"It is good for me to be afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes." Psalm 119:71

God is so good. So faithful.

On a side note: I can't wait to introduce you to my new abode. This cozy home on Overlea street has history, location and hints of charm that aren't exactly what one would coming soon!