Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hate. What a strong word. Such abhorrence oozes from this four letter word.

While reading Psalm 5 this morning I was struck by this phrase in verse 5, "...You hate all who do iniquity."

{Iniquity: any I think, say or do that breaks God's law}

That's me. That WAS me.

"But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindess I will enter Your house..."

Then I was overwhelmed by this other four letter word ::LOVE::

"The Holy Spirit reveals that God loved me not because I was lovable, but because it was His nature to do so." Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

As of last Saturday, one more of my dearies is now married...

{Ryan and Jocelyn St. Hilaire}

*happy sigh* She is such a beautiful bride.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011







Last Friday afternoon marked the end of all that craziness for the summer. Just about every Friday afternoon, for the past six months there has been anywhere from twenty-five to forty-five Kindergarten through fifth graders congregated in the multi-purpose room of Ridgecrest Elementary school, attending Good News Club.

Our time with these kids was difficult. Short-lived attentions spans, anger management issues, lying and defiance were just a few of the issues we had to wrestle with for one high-energy packed hour each week.

"Kept on our toes" would be an understatement.

As taxing as it was, I LOVED it. Yes, I loved every. single. minute. It was truly the highlight of my week. My heart aches for these kids. A majority are growing up in broken homes, and attempting to deal with broken relationships. Juvenile detention, alcohol, drugs and abuse have left their mark on many of the "families".

The truth of the Gospel has been breaking through the power of sin. In spite of it all, seeds have been planted and lives are changed. Hope reigns!

Good News Club might be on break for the summer, but my prayers won't be.