*cough* *cough*...Eww excuse me! Just dusting off this here blog...it's been awhile, huh?
Summer was packed. Packed to the gills. So much has gone down and many a time I've sat here composing a fine blog piece in my mind, but somehow those imaginary drafts could never quite make it the blog screen.
Time to for a revival of sorts. I've missed my blog, and what it did for me.
I find that blogging is a good exercise for my brain, stretching those thoughts-to-paper communication muscles. Plus, I've realized that it provides a certain level of accountability in time management. When I set a goal for myself to blog at least once a week, the positive pressure opens my eyes to potential blog posts through out each day and makes me set aside time to construct them.
{I'm pretty sure I'm giving myself a pep talk right now lol}
Nothing but good can come from being a bit more sensitive to how the world moves around me and the ways the One makes it move.
So over this next week I would like to bring you up to speed on the happenings of my little life. New house, new travels, trials and triumphs galore.
Here's to a renewed resolution to keep a personal (yet online? lol) testimony of God's handiwork. Cheers!