Friday, August 6, 2010

A little of this...

...a little of that.

I have had so many ideas swirling around about what to post this week. Heart reflections, funny quotes, odd little videos I found amusing on Youtube, excerpts from a sermon on Sunday...but nothing seemed to quite stand out. Thus a blogger's lamest excuse will be utilized: I just couldn't formulate any thoughts of my own clearly enough for, I will succumb to what I'm really excited about: randomness!

{Random #1} Take a minute and read something crazy by Alece over at Grit & Glory. Thought provoking.

{Random #2} My current literary pleasures are Revolution in World Missions by K. P. Yohannan, Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung, Global Strategy the Biblical Plan of Missions, and Anthropological Insights for Missionaries by Paul G. Hiebert. This combination is like a forceful reality check and insight all rolled together. What are you currently reading?

{Random #3} Two new developments on my horizon this week. First, I might get involved with Child Evangelism Fellowship again, assisting a local Good News Club held at a school (interesting story about how this all came about...but that will have to wait till next time!). Second, I might go to Gujarat, India at the end of November with a team from Grace Community Church in Pennsylvania. Not really sure how I will get the funds to go in such a short amount of time. But! I am confident that if this is where the Lord wants me to go it will all come together. (Did I just pack two random bits into one? tsk tsk)

{Random #4} Been meditating on Mark 6:30-32 and Mark 6:33-44 lately. What have you been meditating on in God's Word?

{Random #5} As many of you know I have a pretty slow paced job, thus I often have too much time on my hands to tickle my funny bone (no, not literally...that's weird). Here's my funny video pick of the week. I did this for you! ;)

There. That's my random post full of stuffage. Enjoy each day in Him!

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