Thursday, December 29, 2011

I have something I certainly shouldn't have. I mean, I really shouldn't have this in my possession.

{No, I didn't take anything.}

It was given to me, free and clear.

By the world's estimation, I should be down right discouraged. My father has been out of well-paying job for two years, our house is in foreclosure, my mother has been battling breast cancer for four...and the list doesn't end there. Things have been rough, to say the least.

But I have peace. My parents have peace. We have peace.

It doesn't make any sense. It really doesn't.

There is hardly any worry about how the bills will get covered each month, if mom's cancer will get worse, or how our tummies will be filled from week to week. There's just this peace. A peace that completely overwhelms us and leaves little room for anything else.

It's true, the peace of God really does "surpass all comprehension" as confidently stated by Paul in his letter to the Philippians. Paul would know first-hand. The guy went through so many trials, it makes anything that I might encounter on this side of heaven seem pretty trivial {review Acts 21}.

But when I run back over the obstacles that my family faces day to day, I just have to shake my head in bewilderment. Such peace defies worldly logic at every turn, the quantity is never lacking and it's readily accessible to those who, in faith in Christ, trust Him.

"Faith leads to joy and peace. Paul has found - and if we only put it to the proof, we shall also find - that the simple exercise of simple faith fills the soul with "all joy and peace." Gladness in all its variety, and in full measure, calm repose in every kind, and abundant in its still depth, will pour into my heart as water does into a vessel on condition of my taking away the barrier and opening my heart through faith. Trust, and thou shalt be calm. In the measure of thy trust shall be the measure of thy joy and peace." - Alexander Maclaren

I simply can't get over it. And nor do I want to.

God is so good.

As Christmas came and went this year, somehow the realization of how marvelous the Prince of Peace's birth is comes into focus a bit more clearly.

Thank you, Lord for the peace You give that never ends. {And for the circumstances that made the supply so much more evident.}

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I've got a top-rate annoyance that just won't buzz off. This one is a real doozy. Nails on the chalk board type. Scale of 1 to 11. Every time I come within ear-shot, it takes just about everything within me to not knock it about in hopes of the racket ceasing. A good shake wouldn't hurt, right? If anything, it would relieve the tension it's causing...or I think it's causing. {But, you'll be glad to know that those years of intense "gentle and quiet spirit" training is paying off and I refrain because I know full well that it won't do any good.} But I digress.

It just won't stop. It's constant. A real irritant.

{You'll laugh when you find out what it is.}

My toilet won't stop drip-dripping. There's obviously some kind of leak going on, and instead of taking the time to figure out the problem and then a solution, I find myself getting increasingly annoyed by it. I've focused on it to such a degree that the noise just rings in my ears and I can hardly brush my teeth from the distraction. Sad, I know.

While sitting in my quiet, peaceful office earlier today all the now-apparent spiritual applications from such pesky thorn flooded my mind. I've had plenty of what the world would call "true crisis" come my way over the past month. Real downers. For example, my mother spending close to two weeks in the hospital with a nasty infection. These "big" issues are handled easily, with grace. Trusting the Lord that He has everything in control. And then there's this leaky toilet. I can hardly keep my temper under wraps...and all due to a silly little annoyance.

In some ways, it's in those silly "little" problems that we find out what we're really made of...our finiteness becomes glaringly real. Oswald Chambers wraps it up perfectly, "It is one thing to go through a crisis grandly, but another thing to go through every day glorifying God when there is no witness, no limelight, no one paying the remotest attention." (and there's certainly no one with me in the bathroom lol) It's the mean, trivial things in this world that mark our character, and to a degree, reveal our walk with Christ.

A healthy evaluation of one's self is often beneficial. Thanks, leaky toilet.  :)

Friday, November 11, 2011


How I will miss thee.

You have charmed me through and through.

Your green is of such a shade that words do not do it justice.

Your people have a knack for making perfect strangers fast friends.

Your love for a good laugh brightens even the dreariest of days.

Your roads are crazy. {Corkscrew Hill road, anyone?!}

Your eggs are awful.

......But your shepherds pie, soups and tea are delightful.

Someday I will return.

{pictures coming soon}

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This is a friendly public service announcement to not forget or neglect old books.

They usually date back seventy-five years or so. The pages are yellowed with age, dog-eared and the inside cover is usually lovingly dedicated to so-and-so.

They're well written. Contain wholesome story plots and superb vocabulary. There's an abundance of delightful works of fiction to be found, but the real jewels are those that point you to Christ.

It's safe to say that I have a mild obsession with collecting books that are at least a hundred years older than I...and then reading them.

I've never been disappointed.

Case in point...

{Copyright 1898}

Mr. Moody is taking me through the nitty-gritty of the ten commandments like I've never quite experienced before. :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Soft, steady rain. Check.

Hot tea. Check.

Cozy corner to curl up in? Not so much.

It's one of those days that I fancy myself tucked away somewhere with the option of reading my Bible, writing in my journal or watching movie (it has to be a movie I've seen a hundred times...pure, mindless entertainment). That somewhere could be a nook at a cafe, my room or even the library. I'm not too picky. Just a place of quiet where the soft, soothing melodies of Adele, Priscilla Ahn and Robert Schumann can work their magic on my tired self.

But, alas! there's no escaping today, nor what it holds. Thus I find myself cleverly fabricating a sense of coziness right here in my dreary little office space. Thankful for my tea, music, rain and a little corner...even if it's not quite the real thing. 

I've heard Ireland boasts cozy little spots.

{I don't look too happy in this picture...but that's probably due to lack of sleep and a nagging cough.}

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Soon I'll be leaving in one of these...

For this country...

Two crazy American girls + teeny rental car + 8 days = adventures galore!

We'll be zig-zagging all over Ireland in hopes of experiencing as much of the sights and sounds that Dublin, Galway, Kilkenny, and Kilarney (and who knows what else in between) will afford us.

And the beautiful thing about this trip is that we're going simply because we can. It doesn't get much better than that.

Just twenty-five more days.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Scenario: it's another church pot-luck with the usual display of food, and young and old are eager to get in line and dig in. Ooh! Is that Mrs. Thomas' famous three-cheese lasagna?! Score! And I'll take another one of those Hawaiian rolls, please and thank you.

Situated behind the buffet counter is Rachel. She's just doing her thing. Servin' up food and chatting with each person that makes their way down the table. Rachel is quick to ask if she can get you anything else. Perhaps a drink? or a few extra napkins?

Her heart is pulled to just serve with her hands. Christ has done quite a work in her, just as He looks to do in each of us, and she is very content serving you. Not the least bit worried if there will be enough eats when everyone has made it through, or if she'll get to have that purposeful conversation with so and so. Nor is she mindful of her throbbing lower back. Meeting immediate needs is her thing.

While Rachel generously portions out food, did one of the believers turn and quietly thank her for being like Christ? My fictional character tries very hard to not desire gratitude. Pride has tripped her up one too many times and so she desires to accomplish whatever comes her way for Christ alone. Did it strike anyone that Rachel's behavior and actions exhibited the Savior?

What if we acknowledge the choices, reactions, words, and behavior that clearly reflected Christ's work in another believer's life? A little positive re-enforcement never hurt anyone. In fact, studies have clearly documented that.

Sometimes it's hard to see just how someone else might be exhibiting Christ. Let's face it, there are those in the body of believers that can be down right difficult to work with, or even be around for that matter.  Green and seasoned Christians alike. 

I was listening to a sermon earlier this week and a pastor commented that whenever one of his kids exemplifies Christ, his wife calls him and he then gets a chance reinforce that right behavior with a simple, "Heard you did this or that today. Do you know who that reminds me of?" The child always responds with, "Who, Dad?" "Christ! Good job, keep it up."

I had to stop and ask myself if I look to be such an encouragement. Do I seek out opportunities to acknowledge that Christ is shining through another believer?

Hmmm. What a concept.

Expect a report!

Friday, September 2, 2011

A new perspective, "new" gems found in the Bible, two new dresses, a spunky new yellow purse, and new travel plans. But that's not all this week was punctuated by...

BIKING. Nerf guns! Kayaking. SORE MUSCLES. new ministry. rEnEwEd resolution. DIET changes. twitter. Bible study. late night conversations on all things serious.
hysterical laughter. new friends.

My bike ride last Friday evening. Perfect way to start the weekend.

The perfect kayaking buddy!

What made this past week memorable for you?

{I'm off to enjoy a three-day weekend with the family! Yep, Labor day is pretty much my favorite holiday right now.}

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's just one of those sundress-red-shoe-wearin' kinda days! (I even spiced things up with a little blue nail polish!)  #enjoyingthelittlethingsinlife

Saturday, August 20, 2011

"Hey Angel, how were the holidays for you?" I inquired of a sturdy fifth grader just stepping into the classroom after the Christmas/New Year's break.

"It was pretty good," was the cryptic answer.

Steadying my gaze on this disheveled young man, I prodded, "Do anything special?"

"Not really. Just watched my friends get drunk," he honestly replied.

"Get drunk? Were these older friends of yours?" Remembering that he had an older brother that was in and out of the juvenile correction system.

"Naw, just these eight, nine, ten and eleven year olds. They were drinking to get drunk, " he confessed as his eyes dropped their gaze from mine. "But, I didn't drink with them. I told them that it was stupid, " he quickly clarified.

As Angel caught sight of a friend and walked off I was left standing there, trying to process what I had  just heard. Eight, nine, ten and eleven year olds drinking to get drunk?! I knew kids in this neighborhood had to grow up fast...but really? A wave of sadness swept over me as I scanned the classroom, wondering what these children, all 35-40 of them were going home to that day.

Whether we acknowledge it or not this is the grim reality for many children in our communities. In the midst of the hurt there are people reaching out to bring the message of hope and truth to these young lives.

Child Evangelism Fellowship is one such group that is endeavoring to impact kids with the gospel. Thankfully, they are allowed to provide an after-school program called Good News Club to schools throughout the county. Run by volunteers on a weekly basis, they reach out to kids in your backyard through songs, games and poignant Bible lessons. {See pictures from the club I volunteered with this past school year.}

Unfortunately, these efforts often are hindered by the lack of volunteers. The club that Angel attended this past school year is waiting to begin again but can't because it doesn't have enough volunteers... yet. Would you prayerfully consider lending a hand? These Good News Clubs throughout Pinellas county are seeking people willing to invest in these children's lives for the gospel. Teaching a Bible lesson or a memory verse is not mandatory. Getting to know the kids and share the love of Christ with them is priority.

It makes a difference. An eternal difference.

Contact me for information on where you can find a club in your immediate area.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Book of Life

A devotional from Music for the Soul by Alexander Maclaren...

"A book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name." Mal. 3:16

"The "Book of Life," it is called in the New Testament. Its designation in the Old might as well be translated "the book of living" as the "book of life." It is a register of the men who are truly alive.

Now, that is but an imaginative way of putting the common place of the New Testament, that anything which is worth calling life comes to us, not by creation or physical generation, but by being born again through faith in Jesus Christ, and by receiving into our else dead spirits the life which He bestows upon all them that trust Him. In the New Testament "life" is far more than "being"; far more than physical existence; removed by a whole world from these lower conceptions, and finding its complete explanation only in the fact that the soul which is knit to God by conscious surrender, love, aspiration, and obedience, is the only soul that really lives. All else is death - death! He "that liveth in pleasure is dead while he liveth" [1 Tim. 5:6]...In spite of all the feverish activities, the manifold vitalities, of practical and intellectual life in the world, the deepest, truest life of every man who is parted from God by alienation of will, by indifference, and neglect of love, lies sheeted and sepulchered in the depths of his own heart. Brother, there is no life worth calling life, none to which that august name can without degradation be applied except the complete life of body, soul, and spirit in lowly obedience to God in Christ. The deepest meaning of the work of the Savior is that He comes into a dead world, and breathes into the bones - very many and very dry - the breath of His own life. Christ has died for us; Christ will live in us if we will; and, unless He does, we are twice dead.

Do not put away that thought as if it were a mere pulpit metaphor. It is a metaphor, but yet in the metaphor there lies this deepest truth, which concerns us all, that only he is truly himself, and lives the highest, best, and noblest life that is possible for him who is united to Jesus Christ, and drawing from Christ his own life. "He that hath the Son hath life: he that hath not the Son hath not life" [1John 5:12]. Either my name and yours are written in the Book of Life, or they are written in the register of a cemetery. We have to make our choice which."

Is your name written in the Book of Life?

Friday, July 29, 2011

"But I [Jesus] tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you;"  - John 16:7

I don't know about you, but that verse has puzzled me a time or two.

It's better for you to leave us, Jesus? What could be better than being with You IN PERSON? *bewildered shake of the head*

I've always taken this truth with the attitude that God knows best, and there's some things I just won't understand. Perhaps when I get to heaven I can ask for clarification...

But as I found out today, sometimes you don't have to "wait for heaven." As Charles Spurgeon was detailing John 14:18 ("I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.") in the book, Joy in Christ's Presence he shared the following, "It is true that Jesus is not here in body, but His spiritual presence is quite as blessed as His bodily presence would have been. Actually, it is better, for if Jesus Christ were here in person, we could not all come and touch the hem of His garment - not all at once, at any rate. There might be thousands waiting all over the world to speak with Him, but how could they all reach Him if He were merely here in body? Everyone might be waiting to tell Him something, but in the body He could only receive one or two at a time.

But there is not need for you to say a word; Jesus hears your thoughts and attends to all your needs in the same moment. There is no need to press to get at Him because the crowd is large, for He is as near to me as He is to you, and as near to you as to believers all over the world. He is present everywhere, and all His beloved may talk to Him. You can tell Him at this moment the sorrows that you dare not open up to anyone else. In declaring them to Him, you will feel that you have hardly breathed them into the air before He has hear you. He is a real person, one so real that it is as if you could grip His hand and see the loving sparkle of His eye and the sympathetic look of His countenance."

So true, isn't?

Thank You, Holy Spirit for a  fresh look at John 16:7.

Friday, July 22, 2011


...what a magical word.

Stumbled upon this song and had to share. If you get the chance, check out some of Jillian's other songs.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's all about motive...

A recent excerpt from my journal:

"There's been a bit of a debate going on inside me. I'm sore about something...make that two somethings. I'm wondering if I should let them go, those two painful somethings - or allow them to fuel a discussion with the perpetrators. My relatively sane, "good" side cautions that it would be selfish to hold onto the hurts, and that I should never allow them to influence my actions or words to a person...but then, my bad side doesn't want to dismiss the injuries so fast - strongly declaring that a severe injustice has been committed. When will the offenders learn if I don't react with a certain measure of negativity?

Is it wrong to let my hurt propel me to action?

The little voice inside asks me to consider what Christ would do.

Honestly, sometimes I'm just so frustrated by this agape love that I am supposed to show doesn't leave any room for me!"

Choosing to walk in love isn't easy.

Friday, July 8, 2011

What You Have When You Have Jesus

Sometimes I really wish I didn't have to be at work at 9am.

This week I was late a few minutes almost every day (I was having one of those weeks where I just couldn't get myself organized). Just as I would pull into my parking spot I would catch a few minutes of who would be teaching on the local Moody radio program, Today in the Word, as it would start. The soulful voice of Rev. E. V. Hill caught my attention as did the title of his message, What You Have When You Have Jesus. For a split second I was truly debating whether to be super late to work...but my commitment to my job won out. I was however, fortunate to hear enough to get me thinking. What DO we have when we have Jesus? As I caught snippets of part 1 and 2 of Rev. Hill's message over the past two mornings (no, I was not late on purpose lol) he shared how we have a peace with God and the peace of God. A major component for sure, but just the tip of the iceberg.

The writer of Hebrews urges us to "consider Jesus," and as we do so we can't help but be in complete awe of what goes with our association with Him. In Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he encourages them with the thought that they have been "blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places." And this is just the beginning of a list that would definitely circle the earth twice over. Have you taken a moment to think about what you have when you have Jesus?

"Study to know the value of His blessings. They are not ordinary things, like costume jewelry or imitation gemstones. Instead, every one of them is so costly that, if all heaven had been drained of treasure, apart from precious offering of the Redeemer, not the least of His benefits could be purchased. When you see your pardon, consider how great a blessing is contained in it! Hell would have been your eternal portion if Christ had not plucked you from the fire! When you are enabled to see yourself as clothed in the imputed righteousness of Jesus, admire the profusion of precious things of which your robe is made." Charles Spurgeon

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My "Draw Me Nearer" radio station on my Pandora must play this song five or six times in a day...every time it hits my ears, I'm compelled to pause and reflect on the wonder of Christ's abundant mercy and grace.

Good ol' Mr. Chambers did it again. I was reading my worn copy of My Utmost for His Highest and had a good reality check this morning. The devotional is just too good not to share.

"A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." Isaiah 53:3

"We are not acquainted with grief in the way in which Our Lord was acquainted with it; we endure it, we get through it, but we do not become intimate with it. At the beginning of life we do not reconcile ourselves to the fact of sin. We take a rational view of life and say that a man by controlling his instincts, and by educating himself, can produce a life which will slowly evolve into the life of God. But as we go on, we find the presence of something which we have not taken into consideration, viz., sin, and it upsets all our calculations. Sin has made the basis of things wild and not rational. We have to recognize that sin is a fact, not a defect; sin is red-handed mutiny against God. Either God or sin must die in my life. The New Testament brings us right down to this one issue. If sin rules in me, God's life in me will be killed; if God rules in me, sin in me will be killed. There is no possible ultimate but that. The climax of sin is that it crucified Jesus Christ, and what was true in the history of God on earth will be true in your history and in mine. In our mental outlook we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact of sin as the only explanation as to why Jesus Christ came, and as the explanation of the grief and sorrow in life."

"How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity," Psalm 32:1

Friday, June 10, 2011

What do I know of holy?

Holiness has been a reoccurring theme during my devotions, prayer and thoughts...what does it look like, this holiness that God desires? I feel like this holiness should be totally consuming, swallowing every inch of us up. Turning us upside down and letting loose the "Jesus freak" from within. But then there's these walls I've kept up. Walls I've maintained for the sake of society, my goals, my pleasure...they keep God's kind of holiness in a neat, orderly container that is easily managed. I get just enough dosage to leave me feeling Christian enough. It doesn't overwhelm my conscience too much, nor inhibits my fun. What happens if I take them down?

A radical life that reeks of Jesus Christ.

"As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves..." I Peter 1:14-15

I'm realizing I know very little about this holiness...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Children in poverty. Hurting families. Limited access to resources. These components of our world today are burdening my heart and haunting my thoughts. So many needs...

So much is swirling around in my mind, but words aren't coming easily to me. My heart is breaking for...

...those children that are abandoned. Will they know what love is?

...the families that are barely keeping things going. Will the next meal be their last?

...that little boy or girl that all he or she knows is violence, drugs, lies, hurt and poverty. Do they know there's a way out?

...that loving couple that all they want is a little one but are struggling to find the funds to adopt. Where will the money come from?

...that child who has no idea that his Creator loves him. Will he know before it's too late?

My life has been impacted by the stories I read. The pictures I've seen. They're REAL....and not that far away. The main question I keep reverting to is "how can I help? what can I do?"

My search has left me overwhelmed by the options, and encouraged that there are many others who are wanting nothing more than to impact a life. Just one life with the Truth.

I spent Wednesday evening with a close friend, looking through pictures of her recent trip to Ethiopia with Compassion International. While talking to my mom during my lunch break yesterday, she suggested I take a peek at Chatting at the Sky blog and Inspired to mother is so wise.

Through the Ordinary Hero blog I am daily reminded there are a million needs that have to be met.

And answering just one makes a world of difference.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hate. What a strong word. Such abhorrence oozes from this four letter word.

While reading Psalm 5 this morning I was struck by this phrase in verse 5, "...You hate all who do iniquity."

{Iniquity: any I think, say or do that breaks God's law}

That's me. That WAS me.

"But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindess I will enter Your house..."

Then I was overwhelmed by this other four letter word ::LOVE::

"The Holy Spirit reveals that God loved me not because I was lovable, but because it was His nature to do so." Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

As of last Saturday, one more of my dearies is now married...

{Ryan and Jocelyn St. Hilaire}

*happy sigh* She is such a beautiful bride.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011







Last Friday afternoon marked the end of all that craziness for the summer. Just about every Friday afternoon, for the past six months there has been anywhere from twenty-five to forty-five Kindergarten through fifth graders congregated in the multi-purpose room of Ridgecrest Elementary school, attending Good News Club.

Our time with these kids was difficult. Short-lived attentions spans, anger management issues, lying and defiance were just a few of the issues we had to wrestle with for one high-energy packed hour each week.

"Kept on our toes" would be an understatement.

As taxing as it was, I LOVED it. Yes, I loved every. single. minute. It was truly the highlight of my week. My heart aches for these kids. A majority are growing up in broken homes, and attempting to deal with broken relationships. Juvenile detention, alcohol, drugs and abuse have left their mark on many of the "families".

The truth of the Gospel has been breaking through the power of sin. In spite of it all, seeds have been planted and lives are changed. Hope reigns!

Good News Club might be on break for the summer, but my prayers won't be.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

...Honestly, I don't know why I am doing this exactly. It will no doubt bring me nothing but grief. Cheers to mocking me!

Dani, pick yourself up off the floor. I can hear you laughing all the way from here. ;)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lately in my life...

...I've celebrated the nuptials of two friends.

...I have enjoyed evenings eating delicious sweet things (i.e. uber yummy homemade chocolate cake!) while curled up on a couch with friends watching favorite television episodes.

...I ran into two former co-workers, not just once but twice in one weekend.

...I'm loving the fact that I can wear sunglasses again. Life without contacts can not only leave you squinty-eyed (which leads to more wrinkles, but who really cares?), but rather bored with your lack of facial fashion too. Yes, that's shallow, I know.

...I've enjoyed conversations with dear friends over my lunch break.

...I am trying to make it a habit to move more during my eight hours of potential stillness at work. I've had to get creative: lunges to and from my boss' office, thirty minute walks over my lunch break, etc. brain has been hurting as I attempt to organize vacation Bible school for my chapel. Even with the handy "director's guide" some decisions still aren't that easy to make. VBS is even invading my dreams at night. :)

...(Speaking of dreams) I've been dreaming of planting cucumbers, bell peppers, herbs, squash, lettuce, my future backyard. I'm a wee bit intimidated by the sandy soil and my total lack of experience, but I can't seem to resist the temptation to have soil embedded under my nails and sweat running down my back from real work.

...Caught a Rays game with my dad. Good times.

...I'm learning that my word of the year ::RISK:: is challenging me various areas that I thought I didn't particularly struggle with...mainly the fear of man. I take other's opinions into consideration a little too much. More on this later.

Hope you have a blessed weekend remember the death, burial and RESURRECTION of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Friday, April 1, 2011

To move or not to move...that is the question of the month! Life has certainly not been dull, to put it mildly. It's a long story, and perhaps someday I will detail the events on this blog, but basically there are certain circumstances outside of my control (i.e. home is for sale, and the parents are down-sizing) that are making it a necessity to find a new residence.

I'm in the process of moving out...and what a process this has proved to be. It's not necessarily the boxes, or the cleaning, or even the adjustment to new surroundings and habits (goodness knows I've had plenty of experience with all that while growing up) but it's the up and down roller coaster of not knowing when I'll move exactly that has been a bit stressful.

Learning to rely on God's grace for the stressful loose ends, unfinished projects, piles of boxes and stuff scatter around, and all-the-while keeping up with myriad of usual commitments has been stretching and surprisingly refreshing. In the midst of the craziness, I'm finding that the key is prayer...real prayer, taking quiet moments with God (I liken it to a spiritual "deep breath"), and emotionally detaching myself from what is simply out of my control, letting Him know and have everything. Not always at the forefront of my mind, but I've tied a mental piece of string to assist me.

"It is good for me to be afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes." Psalm 119:71

God is so good. So faithful.

On a side note: I can't wait to introduce you to my new abode. This cozy home on Overlea street has history, location and hints of charm that aren't exactly what one would coming soon!

Friday, March 11, 2011

I don't like to focus on being single. It's not because I can't cope with not having a significant other right now...quite the contrary. I've come to realize that it shouldn't be my focus, plain and simple. Because of Christ my single status {or anything else in this world} honestly doesn't define me, make me who I am or what I do. Christ, and Him alone does!

{I must remind myself of this frequently}

Thanks to my carnality, some days are easier than others to deal with singleness...and true to form, I was having such a day not too long ago when I stumbled upon this video.

Coming from the Passion for Christ Ministries, and one of their Lyricts Lounge contributors is Janette on waiting on Christ and delighting in Him during singleness.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Leap a dozen timezones, cross an ocean or two, climb a few mountains and fly over a jungle and you'll find a Nagi village celebrating the life of a set of twins.

The celebration wasn't to commemorate their birth so much as it was to rejoice that both got to live.

For the missionaries endeavoring to share the Truth to these people, this birthday party held particular significance. Definitely one happy occasion! Even from the confines of my stuffy office thousands of miles away I was celebrating too, jumping for joy over the courage of one Nagi family taking in the unwanted newborn.

These two precious newborns are a testimony to the power of our Mighty God, and the prayers of faithful saints. "Its only space that separates us!" P. Bonhoeffer

Friday, January 7, 2011

:: Risk ::

That's "my" word for 2011.

Not a resolution, mind you. I'm not a big fan of feeling like a failure. Just a my own one syllable cheerleader, of sorts.

It will be nearby, ready to pull out when there is decisions to make and steps to take. Keeping it in mind to challenge and inspire me.

A powerful little word to steer my focus and bolster my resolve.

I'm not looking to add reckless stupidity to my life...heaven knows I have plenty of that already. Rather, I desire the word "risk" to nudge me out of my comfort zone, push me beyond my self-inflicted limits, especially when it comes to a certain relationship I have with my Creator and Savior.

He requires radical devotion. Nothing less. Sadly, I've been giving less.

It's time to risk reputation, longings, aspirations, time, energy



and soul...for Him.

P.S. This "one word" idea came from Alece over at Grit&Glory :)